Tag Archives: hi everybody…why are you here?

Still Here

For some reason or another, a traffic spike hit my blog yesterday:

I’m not entirely sure what people are interested in, but my last post was kind of lackluster and I’m sorry it’s the one people are seeing when they stop by.

It’s like having a bunch of marathon runners pass by your house, and you’ve got scaffolding and busted down cars all over your lawn.  It’s embarrassing.

So, to rectify, here’s what I’ve got going on right now:

  1. I’m still in thesis-writing mode.  I’ve knocked out a few large sections, but there’s still plenty to do.  Trying to pick at it at least once a day for a few hours.  LaTeX frustrations aside, things are moving forward OK here.
  2. UCOSP, the cross-Canada capstone course that I’m TA-ing this semester, is in full swing.  Last weekend was the code sprint, and I stepped in to mentor the Review Board team, since the core developers were too swamped to make the weekend trip.  It was good times.  Here’s a blog post about it by Andrew Louis, who helped organize the whole thing.
  3. I’m in a computer graphics course this semester.  I just finished the first written assignment for it.  Linear algebra is awesome, but I haven’t done it in years, so I’ve had to really shake out the cobwebs on this one.
  4. The Johnson Report is learning a slew of new cover material for an upcoming show.
  5. It’s already October, which means that my planned graduation is only a few months away.  I’ll be looking for work soon, and should update my CV.

And that’s about it, as far as I can tell.

Now what are people so damn interested in on my blog?