This is my last “goodbye school” post, I swear.

So a few days ago, my official grades for my M. Sc. rolled in.  That same day, I went to the Bahen Centre, turned in my desk keys, got my keycard authorization revoked, and scheduled my computer for erasure.

It felt like some pretty big steps.  There was a palpable sense of finality.  I was out.  It was over.

The University has played a big role in my development, and despite all of my moaning and complaining over the years, I’m glad I went, and I’d do it again.

But not right now.

Graduate school almost didn’t happen for me, and I have two very important people to thank for making that happen:  Karen Reid and Greg Wilson.

I still fondly remember when you cornered me during that codesprint in 2009, and convinced me to try graduate school.  I don’t regret it.  It was the right decision.  So thank you both so much for convincing me, and giving me the chance, and thank you Greg for supervising, and guiding me through.

I learned lots.  I had fun.  🙂

Shakespeare wrote that brevity is the soul of wit.  Well, I

2 thoughts on “This is my last “goodbye school” post, I swear.

  1. Tara

    Congratulations, Mike! It feels good to be done, but it’s definitely a huge change. Good luck with the next chapter of your life!

  2. Brian

    A big event and a big change. Elation, satisfaction, and maybe even a little grieving all mixed together I expect. But you’re launched on a good course now Mike so best wishes to you.

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