Category Archives: Livecoding

The Joy of Coding (Episode 1)

Here’s the first episode! I streamed it last Wednesday, and it was mostly concerned with bug 1090439, which is about making the print dialog and progress calls from the child process asynchronous.

Here are the notes for that bug. I still haven’t closed it yet, so perhaps I’ll keep pressing on this next Wednesday when I stream Episode 2. We’ll see!

A note that I did struggle with some resolution issues in this episode. I’m working with Richard Milewski from the Air Mozilla team to make this better for the next episode. Sorry about that!

The Joy of Coding (or, Firefox Hacking Live!)

A few months back, I started publishing my bug notes online, as a way of showing people what goes on inside a Firefox engineer’s head while fixing a bug.

This week, I’m upping the ante a bit: I’m going to live-hack on Firefox for an hour and a half for the next few Wednesday’s on Air Mozilla. I’m calling it The Joy of Coding1. I’ll be working on real Firefox bugs2 – not some toy exercise-bug where I’ve pre-planned where I’m going. It will be unscripted, unedited, and uncensored. But hopefully not uninteresting3!

Anyhow, the first episode airs this Wednesday. I’ll be using #livehacking on as a backchannel. Not sure what bug(s) I’ll be hacking on – I guess it depends on what I get done on Monday and Tuesday.

Anyhow, we’ll try it for a few weeks to see if folks are interested in watching. Who knows, maybe we can get a few more developers doing this too – I’d enjoy seeing what other folks do to fix their bugs!

Anyhow, I hope to see you there!

  1. Maybe I’ll wear an afro wig while I stream 

  2. Specifically, I’ll be working on Electrolysis bugs, since that’s what my focus is on these days. 

  3. I’ve actually piloted this for the past few weeks, streaming on YouTube Live. Here’s a playlist of the pilot episodes