Introducing EDS Contacts Integration for Thunderbird (or “Coming up for air”)

Holy smokes, what a pair of months.  Remember when I told you that I was hauling ass on getting an EDS contact integration add-on up and running for Ubuntu Oneiric?  It didn’t stop – I’ve been continuing to haul ass ever since.

And now I’ve got something to show for my efforts!

Here’s a demonstration of my add-on in action:


Visit the project page here.

If you’re using Thunderbird on Oneiric, I’d love for you to try the add-on.  All feedback welcome in this Google Groups thread!

Over the next few days, I’m going to write a few posts on what I did, how I did it, and what kind of difficulties I ran into along the way.

Until then, stay tuned!

12 thoughts on “Introducing EDS Contacts Integration for Thunderbird (or “Coming up for air”)

  1. Vincent

    This is wonderfull! not only do you allow contact sync with EDS, but you also add multiple address, phone number and other majors improvments to the address book!

    Too bad I need to wait Oneiric to have this in action on my own computer, but I will wait!

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  3. gringo

    Fantastic! Thanks so very much for the effort.
    Hopefully this will work with Gnome’s 3.2 Gnome Contacts which is also based on EDS.

    Please tell me where I can donate a few dollars.

  4. JohnA

    Does this add allow for remote access (ie Thunderbird on client EDS on server local or remote)?
    Will it be available for windows clients any time soon?

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