The Joy of Coding (Episode 4)

The fourth episode is up! Richard Milewski and I found the right settings to get OBS working properly on my machine, so this weeks episode is super-readable! If you’ve been annoyed with the poor resolution for past episodes, rejoice!

In this fourth episode, I solve a few things – I clean up a busted rebase, I figure out how I’d accidentally broken Linux printing, I think through a patch to make sure it does what I need it to do, and I review some code!

Episode Agenda

Bug 1136855 – Print settings are not saved from print job to print job

Bug 1088070 – Instantiate print settings from the content process instead of the parent

Bug 1090448 – Make e10s printing work on Linux

Bug 1133577 – [e10s] “Open Link in New Tab” in remote browser causes unsafe CPOW usage warning

Bug 1133981 – [e10s] Stop sending unsafe CPOWs after the findbar has been closed in a remote browser