So I’ve been given the go-ahead to start writing my thesis. I was going to post up some more exciting numbers/findings from my experiment, but that’ll have to wait – the thesis beckons.
I’ve started writing it, and holy smokes, it’s hard. It’s hard because I have to zoom out from my current perspective, and start right from scratch, explaining where every single decision came from.
And I have to do it in a formal, academic tone – without awesome photos.
Plan of Attack
I think I’m going to go with Alecia on this one, and start with my outline. That’s what I always did for any of my Drama classes where I had to write a big essay: start with the outline, and treat it like the skeleton…then slowly put more flesh on the skeleton. Keep fleshing it out, throw on some skin, some clothes, a lick of varnish, and bam: it’s all done.
Anyhow, that’s my plan of attack. So I need an outline. Let me show you what I have.
Tentative Outline
- Intro
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Acknowledgments
- Table of Contents
- List of Tables (where applicable)
- List of Plates (where applicable)
- List of Figures
- List of Appendices (where applicable)
- The Meat
- Background
- Code Review
- What it is, how it is commonly used in industry
- Proven to be effective (Jason Cohen study)
- Helps to spread learning in a development team
- If code review is so good at spreading learning, why isn’t it part of the pedagogy in the undergrad curriculum?
- How do we teach it?
- The curriculum is already packed – how do we fit it in?
- Joorden’s and Pare’s peerScholar approach
- The idea:
- Have students evaluate one another after assignments, and give them a code review grade based on agreement with the TA grades.
- Code Review
- Unanswered questions:
- Would students actually benefit from this idea?
- What is the relationship between the marks given by TAs, and the marks given by student evaluators?
- How would students feel about grading one another?
- The experiment
- Terminology
- Assignment specification
- Submission
- Subject
- Grader
- Peer Grader
- Marking
- Marking Rubric
- Peer Average
- Agreement
- Design
- Single-blind, with two groups (control and treatment)
- In both groups, subjects would:
- fill out brief questionnaire
- work on two programming assignments
- have a maximum of half an hour to complete each assignment
- perform another activity during the time between assignments, dependent on their particular group:
- treatment group would perform some grading
- control group would work on a vocabulary exercise
- Subjects in the treatment group would then fill out a post-experiment questionnaire to get their feedback on their marking experience
- Counter-balancing?
- Graders would mark shuffled submissions
- Graders would choose their preferred submission
- Single-blind, with two groups (control and treatment)
- Instruments
- Pre-experiment Questionnaire
- Assignment Specifications
- Flights and Passengers
- Decks and Cards
- Assignment Rubrics
- Mock-ups
- Vocabulary Exercise
- Post-experiment Questionnaire
- Working Environment
- Count-down widget
- Screen capture
- Subjects
- Undergraduates with 4+ months of Python programming experience
- Months as a unit of experience
- The two graders
- Assignment Sessions
- Greeting, informed consent, withdrawal rights
- Pre-experiment questionnaire
- First Assignment Rules
- 30 minutes maximum – finish early, let me know
- full access to Internet
- work may or may not be seen by other participants in the study
- may ask for clarification
- First Assignment begins
- Timer widget starts
- Screen capture begins
- Subject left alone
- Marking / vocabulary phase
- Treatment group
- Would be given 5 submissions (secretly mock-ups), given 5 rubrics, asked to fill out as much as possible
- 30 minute time limit
- Control group
- Given links to 5 vocabulary exercises found online
- Asked to complete as much as possible, and to self-report results on a sheet of paper
- 30 minute time limit
- Treatment group
- Second Assignment Rules
- Same as first, but repeated for emphasis
- Second Assignment begins
- Timer widget starts
- Screen capture begins
- Subject left alone
- Control group subjects released
- Treatment group subjects fill out post-experiment questionnaire
- Grading
- Initial meeting, and then hand-off of submissions / rubrics
- Hands-off approach
- Choosing Phase
- Submissions for each assignment were paired by the subject that wrote them
- Mock-ups not included
- Graders were asked to choose which one they preferred, and give a rating of the difference
- Terminology
- Analysis
- Pearson’s Correlation Co-efficient as a measure of agreement
- Fisher’s z-score
- Results
- On grader vs. grader agreement
- On grader vs. peer average agreement
- On treatment vs. control
- Difference in average
- Grader preference
- On student opinion wrt peer grading
- Discussion
- Threats to validity
- The 30 minute time limit
- A rigid rubric
- Future work
- Conclusion
- Background
That’s the current structure of it. I’m meeting my supervisor tomorrow and getting feedback, so this might change. Stay tuned.