Short one this week. I must not have learned much! 😀
If you’re using Sublime Text to hack on Firefox or Gecko, make sure it’s not indexing your objdir.
Sublime has this wicked cool feature that lets you quickly search for files within your project folders. On my MBP, the shortcut is Cmd-P. It’s probably something like Ctrl-P on Windows and Linux.
That feature is awesome, because when I need to get to a file, instead of searching the folder hierarchy, I just hit Cmd-P, jam in a few of the characters (they can even be out of order – Sublime does fuzzy matching), and then as soon as my desired file is the top entry, just hit Enter, and BLAM – opened file. It really saves time!
At least, it saves time in theory. I noticed that sometimes, I’d hit Cmd-P, and the UI to enter my search string would take ages to show up. I had no idea why.
Then I noticed that this slowness seemed to show up after I had done a build. My objdir resides beneath my srcdir (as is the defaults with a mozilla-central checkout), so I figured perhaps Sublime was trying to index all of those binaries and choking on them.
I went to Project > Edit Project, and added this to the configuration file that opened:
{ "folders": [ { "path": "/Users/mikeconley/Projects/mozilla-central", "folder_exclude_patterns": ["*.sublime-workspace", "obj-*"] } ] }
I added the workspace thing too1, because I figure it’s unlikely I’ll ever want to open that thing.
Anyhow, after setting that, I restarted Sublime, and everything was crazy-fast. \o/
If you’re using Sublime, and your objdir is under your srcdir, maybe consider adding the same thing. Even if you’re not using Cmd-P, it’ll probably save your machine from needlessly burning cycles indexing stuff.
That’s where Sublime holds my session state for my project. ↩