Tag Archives: inspection rate

Review Board Statistics Extensions: Karma, Stopwatch, and FixIt

I just spent the long weekend in Ottawa and Québec City with my parents and my girlfriend Em.

During the long drive back to Toronto from Québec City, I had plenty of time to think about my GSoC project, and where I want to go with it once GSoC is done.

Here’s what I came up with.

Detach Reviewing Time from Statistics

I think it’s a safe assumption that my reviewing-time extension isn’t going to be the only one to generate useful statistical data.

So why not give extension developers an easy mechanism to display statistical data for their extension?

First, I’m going to extract the reviewing-time recording portion of the extension. Then, RB-Stats (or whatever I end up calling it), will introduce it’s own set of hooks for other extensions to register with.  This way, if users want some stats, there will be one place to go to get them.  And if an extension developer wants to make some statistics available, a lot of the hard work will already be done for them.

And if an extension has the capability of combining its data with another extensions data to create a new statistic, we’ll let RB-Stats manage all of that business.


The reviewing-time feature of RB-Stats will become an extension on its own, and register its data with RB-Stats.  Once RB-Stats and Stopwatch are done, we should be feature equivalent with my demo.

Review Karma

I kind of breezed past this in my demo, but I’m interested in displaying “review karma”.  Review karma is the reviews/review-requests ratio.

But I’m not sure karma is the right word.  It suggests that a low ratio (many review requests, few reviews) is a bad thing.  I’m not so sure that’s true.

Still, I wonder what the impact will be to display review karma?  Not just in the RB-Stats statistics view, but next to user names?  Will there be an impact on review activity when we display this “reputation” value?


This is a big one.

Most code review tools allow reviewers to register “defects”, “todos” or “problems” with the code up for review.  This makes it easier for reviewees to keep track of things to fix, and things that have already been taken care of.  It’s also useful in that it helps generate interesting statistics like defect density and defect detection rate (assuming Stopwatch is installed and enabled).

I’m going to tackle this extension as soon as RB-Stats, Stopwatch and Karma are done.  At this point, I’m quite confident that the current extension framework can more or less handle this.

Got any more ideas for me?  Or maybe an extension wish-list?  Let  me know.

GSoC Update: My Review Board Statistics Extension

The Primary Goal

From the very beginning, my GSoC project has been mainly focused towards one primary goal:  I want to build an extension for Review Board that will allow me to collect information about how long reviewers actually spend reviewing code.

That’s easier said than done.  When I started, the Review Board extension framework wasn’t really in a state to allow such an extension to exist.

So I’ve been tooling around in the Review Board code for the past 2 months, preparing the framework, and getting it ready to handle my extension.

And last night, it started to work.  I can now give rough estimates on how long a reviewer has spent reviewing code.

How It Works

My extension adds a new table to the database which stores “reviewing sessions”.  Each reviewing session is associated to a particular review request and user, and also has a field to store the number of seconds that a user has spent in review.

I’ve created a TemplateHook that allows me to inject Javascript into key areas of Review Board (in particular, the diff viewer, and the screenshot viewer).  The Javascript does the following:  every 10 seconds, we check to see if the mouse has moved on the body of the HTML document.  If it has, we send an “activity” notification to the server.

The server receives this activity notification through the Web API, and checks to see if the time lapsed since the last session update was greater than 10 seconds.  If it is, we increment the working session by 10 seconds and return a 200 HTTP code.  If it isn’t, we don’t change anything and return a 304 HTTP code.

Next, my extension waits for a user to publish a review.  When it notices that a review is being published, it finds the working session for that user and review request, and then attaches it to the published review.  If the user then starts looking at the diff or screenshots again, a new working session is created.

The result?  A pretty decent estimate of how long a user has spent reviewing the code.  No time gets recorded if the user gets up and has a sandwich.  No time gets recorded if the user is on another tab reading Reddit.

An image showing how reviewing time is displayed to the user

Not bad.  For a first draft, anyhow.

I think I’m going to try to chart the data somehow, so that users can track their inspection rates.  I’ll let you know how that goes.